Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The brochure uses the same theme as the poster except it not only target the children but the parents as well. It's a family guide to 3R. To read the copies please go to here.
The whole series was created for Brunswick Industries Sdn Bhd.


It was a challenge to do a set of posters specially targeted at young audience who tends to have very short attention span. The topic 3R : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a very serious subject. Colors was used to catch their attention. Words & copies were kept at the minimum and have to be as simple as possible.

3R poster : RECYCLE

HL : Collect & send to recycle centre
shl : And make into new thing

Copies : Earth is slowly turning into a big garbage dump and is quickly running out of landfill space. Recycling is the solution. Start today by collecting and separating your waste. Don’t throw away anything that can be recycled. Send to the various recycled centre at your area.

Remember, recycling is a great way to conserve resources - but even better is not to create the waste in the first place.

3r poster : REUSE

HL : Re-use your waste.
shl : Use them again

Copies : Mother earth resources are slowly depleting. Eventually, we will run out of natural resources if we throw away all of our waste. Do your part today by reusing anything at home that can still be used. Do not throw away unneccessaryly, give to charity or have a garage sale. Repair equipment rather than replacing them when broken. Rent or borrow items you don't use very often.

3R poster : REDUCE

HL : Make less rubbish
shl : Reduce your waste

Copies : Be a hero and save mother earth. Everyone can do their part . Start your day at home by reducing your waste. Switched off electricity when not using to conserve energy. Take shower and not long bath to save water. Buy and use less. Buy local. If everyone were to do their part, then this world will be a better place to live in.

We do not inherit the earth from our fathers but we borrowed it from our children. Be green, be responsible, give them a better future.


A set of for posters for Earth day 2008. Target at children between the ages of 8 to 12 years old. Made for Children Environmental Exhibition with the theme "Be Green, Be Responsible"